#!/usr/bin/env python """ bubbleswidgetplugin.py A bubbles widget custom widget plugin for Qt Designer. Copyright (C) 2006 David Boddie Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap from PyQt5.QtDesigner import QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin from bubbleswidget import BubblesWidget class BubblesPlugin(QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin): """BubblesPlugin(QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin) Provides a Python custom plugin for Qt Designer by implementing the QDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin via a PyQt-specific custom plugin class. """ # The __init__() method is only used to set up the plugin and define its # initialized variable. def __init__(self, parent=None): super(BubblesPlugin, self).__init__(parent) self.initialized = False # The initialize() and isInitialized() methods allow the plugin to set up # any required resources, ensuring that this can only happen once for each # plugin. def initialize(self, core): if self.initialized: return self.initialized = True def isInitialized(self): return self.initialized # This factory method creates new instances of our custom widget with the # appropriate parent. def createWidget(self, parent): return BubblesWidget(parent) # This method returns the name of the custom widget class that is provided # by this plugin. def name(self): return "BubblesWidget" # Returns the name of the group in Qt Designer's widget box that this # widget belongs to. def group(self): return "PyQt Examples" # Returns the icon used to represent the custom widget in Qt Designer's # widget box. def icon(self): return QIcon(_logo_pixmap) # Returns a short description of the custom widget for use in a tool tip. def toolTip(self): return "" # Returns a short description of the custom widget for use in a "What's # This?" help message for the widget. def whatsThis(self): return "" # Returns True if the custom widget acts as a container for other widgets; # otherwise returns False. Note that plugins for custom containers also # need to provide an implementation of the QDesignerContainerExtension # interface if they need to add custom editing support to Qt Designer. def isContainer(self): return False # Returns an XML description of a custom widget instance that describes # default values for its properties. Each custom widget created by this # plugin will be configured using this description. def domXml(self): return '\n' \ ' \n' \ ' Click and drag here\n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' The bubbles widget displays colorful ' \ 'bubbles.\n' \ ' \n' \ '\n' # Returns the module containing the custom widget class. It may include # a module path. def includeFile(self): return "bubbleswidget" # Define the image used for the icon. _logo_16x16_xpm = [ "16 16 48 1", "O c #d0cfcf", "d c #d0d0d0", "i c #d3d3d2", "q c #d3d3d3", "M c #dad7d7", "g c #dad8d7", "e c #dcd9d9", "f c #e0dcdc", "c c #e0e0e0", "L c #e1dddb", "D c #e1dddc", "E c #e1e0e0", "R c #e1e1e1", "Q c #e2dedc", "p c #e2dedd", "j c #e3dfdf", "b c #e7e7e7", "S c #ebe4e3", "z c #ebe5e3", "r c #ece6e8", "a c #eeeeee", "N c #f6edeb", "I c #f6eeed", "o c #f6eeee", "h c #f7f7f7", "K c #f8efee", "C c #f8efef", "T c #f8f8f8", "y c #f9f1f0", "H c #f9f1f1", "n c #f9f1f2", "m c #f9f1f3", "k c #f9f2f4", "x c #faf3f5", "l c #faf3f6", "w c #faf3f7", "G c #faf3f8", "v c #fbf5fa", "s c #fbf5fb", "u c #fbf5fc", "t c #fbf5fd", "# c #fbfbfb", "J c #fcf6fe", "B c #fcf7fe", "P c #fcfcfc", "F c #fdf8ff", "A c #fefbff", ". c #ffffff", ".....#abba#.....", "...#cdeffgdc#...", "..hijkllmnopqh..", ".#irstuvwxnyzq#.", ".cjs.ABuvwknCDE.", "#dktAAFtsGlmHId#", "aeluBFJusGlmHKga", "bflvutusvGlmHKLb", "bfmwvssvGwxmHKLb", "agnxwGGGwlmnyKMa", "#donklllxmnHCNOP", ".cpynmmmmnHCKQR.", ".#qzCHHHHyCKSqP.", "..hqDIKKKKNQqT..", "...#EdgLLMORP...", ".....#abbaP....."] _logo_pixmap = QPixmap(_logo_16x16_xpm)