#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2017 Riverbank Computing Limited. ## Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## All rights reserved. ## ## This file is part of the examples of PyQt. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ## You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ## the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ## products derived from this software without specific prior written ## permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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2*self.margin self.validItems = 0 self.totalValue = 0.0 self.origin = QPoint() self.rubberBand = None def dataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight, roles): super(PieView, self).dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight, roles) self.validItems = 0 self.totalValue = 0.0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value is not None and value > 0.0: self.totalValue += value self.validItems += 1 self.viewport().update() def edit(self, index, trigger, event): if index.column() == 0: return super(PieView, self).edit(index, trigger, event) else: return False def indexAt(self, point): if self.validItems == 0: return QModelIndex() # Transform the view coordinates into contents widget coordinates. wx = point.x() + self.horizontalScrollBar().value() wy = point.y() + self.verticalScrollBar().value() if wx < self.totalSize: cx = wx - self.totalSize/2 cy = self.totalSize/2 - wy; # positive cy for items above the center # Determine the distance from the center point of the pie chart. d = (cx**2 + cy**2)**0.5 if d == 0 or d > self.pieSize/2: return QModelIndex() # Determine the angle of the point. angle = (180 / math.pi) * math.acos(cx/d) if cy < 0: angle = 360 - angle # Find the relevant slice of the pie. startAngle = 0.0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value > 0.0: sliceAngle = 360*value/self.totalValue if angle >= startAngle and angle < (startAngle + sliceAngle): return self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) startAngle += sliceAngle else: itemHeight = QFontMetrics(self.viewOptions().font).height() listItem = int((wy - self.margin) / itemHeight) validRow = 0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) if self.model().data(index) > 0.0: if listItem == validRow: return self.model().index(row, 0, self.rootIndex()) # Update the list index that corresponds to the next valid # row. validRow += 1 return QModelIndex() def isIndexHidden(self, index): return False def itemRect(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QRect() # Check whether the index's row is in the list of rows represented # by slices. if index.column() != 1: valueIndex = self.model().index(index.row(), 1, self.rootIndex()) else: valueIndex = index value = self.model().data(valueIndex) if value is not None and value > 0.0: listItem = 0 for row in range(index.row()-1, -1, -1): if self.model().data(self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex())) > 0.0: listItem += 1 if index.column() == 0: itemHeight = QFontMetrics(self.viewOptions().font).height() return QRect(self.totalSize, int(self.margin + listItem*itemHeight), self.totalSize - self.margin, int(itemHeight)) elif index.column() == 1: return self.viewport().rect() return QRect() def itemRegion(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QRegion() if index.column() != 1: return QRegion(self.itemRect(index)) if self.model().data(index) <= 0.0: return QRegion() startAngle = 0.0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): sliceIndex = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(sliceIndex) if value > 0.0: angle = 360*value/self.totalValue if sliceIndex == index: slicePath = QPainterPath() slicePath.moveTo(self.totalSize/2, self.totalSize/2) slicePath.arcTo(self.margin, self.margin, self.margin+self.pieSize, self.margin+self.pieSize, startAngle, angle) slicePath.closeSubpath() return QRegion(slicePath.toFillPolygon().toPolygon()) startAngle += angle return QRegion() def horizontalOffset(self): return self.horizontalScrollBar().value() def mousePressEvent(self, event): super(PieView, self).mousePressEvent(event) self.origin = event.pos() if not self.rubberBand: self.rubberBand = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self.rubberBand.setGeometry(QRect(self.origin, QSize())) self.rubberBand.show() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self.rubberBand: self.rubberBand.setGeometry(QRect(self.origin, event.pos()).normalized()) super(PieView, self).mouseMoveEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): super(PieView, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) if self.rubberBand: self.rubberBand.hide() self.viewport().update() def moveCursor(self, cursorAction, modifiers): current = self.currentIndex() if cursorAction in (QAbstractItemView.MoveLeft, QAbstractItemView.MoveUp): if current.row() > 0: current = self.model().index(current.row() - 1, current.column(), self.rootIndex()) else: current = self.model().index(0, current.column(), self.rootIndex()) elif cursorAction in (QAbstractItemView.MoveRight, QAbstractItemView.MoveDown): if current.row() < self.rows(current) - 1: current = self.model().index(current.row() + 1, current.column(), self.rootIndex()) else: current = self.model().index(self.rows(current) - 1, current.column(), self.rootIndex()) self.viewport().update() return current def paintEvent(self, event): selections = self.selectionModel() option = self.viewOptions() state = option.state background = option.palette.base() foreground = QPen(option.palette.color(QPalette.WindowText)) textPen = QPen(option.palette.color(QPalette.Text)) highlightedPen = QPen(option.palette.color(QPalette.HighlightedText)) painter = QPainter(self.viewport()) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), background) painter.setPen(foreground) # Viewport rectangles pieRect = QRect(self.margin, self.margin, self.pieSize, self.pieSize) keyPoint = QPoint(self.totalSize - self.horizontalScrollBar().value(), self.margin - self.verticalScrollBar().value()) if self.validItems > 0: painter.save() painter.translate(pieRect.x() - self.horizontalScrollBar().value(), pieRect.y() - self.verticalScrollBar().value()) painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, self.pieSize, self.pieSize) startAngle = 0.0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value > 0.0: angle = 360*value/self.totalValue colorIndex = self.model().index(row, 0, self.rootIndex()) color = self.model().data(colorIndex, Qt.DecorationRole) if self.currentIndex() == index: painter.setBrush(QBrush(color, Qt.Dense4Pattern)) elif selections.isSelected(index): painter.setBrush(QBrush(color, Qt.Dense3Pattern)) else: painter.setBrush(QBrush(color)) painter.drawPie(0, 0, self.pieSize, self.pieSize, int(startAngle*16), int(angle*16)) startAngle += angle painter.restore() keyNumber = 0 for row in range(self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value > 0.0: labelIndex = self.model().index(row, 0, self.rootIndex()) option = self.viewOptions() option.rect = self.visualRect(labelIndex) if selections.isSelected(labelIndex): option.state |= QStyle.State_Selected if self.currentIndex() == labelIndex: option.state |= QStyle.State_HasFocus self.itemDelegate().paint(painter, option, labelIndex) keyNumber += 1 def resizeEvent(self, event): self.updateGeometries() def rows(self, index): return self.model().rowCount(self.model().parent(index)) def rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end): for row in range(start, end + 1): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value is not None and value > 0.0: self.totalValue += value self.validItems += 1 super(PieView, self).rowsInserted(parent, start, end) def rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent, start, end): for row in range(start, end + 1): index = self.model().index(row, 1, self.rootIndex()) value = self.model().data(index) if value is not None and value > 0.0: self.totalValue -= value self.validItems -= 1 super(PieView, self).rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, start, end) def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): self.viewport().scroll(dx, dy) def scrollTo(self, index, ScrollHint): area = self.viewport().rect() rect = self.visualRect(index) if rect.left() < area.left(): self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue( self.horizontalScrollBar().value() + rect.left() - area.left()) elif rect.right() > area.right(): self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue( self.horizontalScrollBar().value() + min( rect.right() - area.right(), rect.left() - area.left())) if rect.top() < area.top(): self.verticalScrollBar().setValue( self.verticalScrollBar().value() + rect.top() - area.top()) elif rect.bottom() > area.bottom(): self.verticalScrollBar().setValue( self.verticalScrollBar().value() + min( rect.bottom() - area.bottom(), rect.top() - area.top())) def setSelection(self, rect, command): # Use content widget coordinates because we will use the itemRegion() # function to check for intersections. contentsRect = rect.translated(self.horizontalScrollBar().value(), self.verticalScrollBar().value()).normalized() rows = self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex()) columns = self.model().columnCount(self.rootIndex()) indexes = [] for row in range(rows): for column in range(columns): index = self.model().index(row, column, self.rootIndex()) region = self.itemRegion(index) if region.intersects(QRegion(contentsRect)): indexes.append(index) if len(indexes) > 0: firstRow = indexes[0].row() lastRow = indexes[0].row() firstColumn = indexes[0].column() lastColumn = indexes[0].column() for i in range(1, len(indexes)): firstRow = min(firstRow, indexes[i].row()) lastRow = max(lastRow, indexes[i].row()) firstColumn = min(firstColumn, indexes[i].column()) lastColumn = max(lastColumn, indexes[i].column()) selection = QItemSelection( self.model().index(firstRow, firstColumn, self.rootIndex()), self.model().index(lastRow, lastColumn, self.rootIndex())) self.selectionModel().select(selection, command) else: noIndex = QModelIndex() selection = QItemSelection(noIndex, noIndex) self.selectionModel().select(selection, command) self.update() def updateGeometries(self): self.horizontalScrollBar().setPageStep(self.viewport().width()) self.horizontalScrollBar().setRange(0, max(0, 2*self.totalSize - self.viewport().width())) self.verticalScrollBar().setPageStep(self.viewport().height()) self.verticalScrollBar().setRange(0, max(0, self.totalSize - self.viewport().height())) def verticalOffset(self): return self.verticalScrollBar().value() def visualRect(self, index): rect = self.itemRect(index) if rect.isValid(): return QRect(rect.left() - self.horizontalScrollBar().value(), rect.top() - self.verticalScrollBar().value(), rect.width(), rect.height()) else: return rect def visualRegionForSelection(self, selection): region = QRegion() for span in selection: for row in range(span.top(), span.bottom() + 1): for col in range(span.left(), span.right() + 1): index = self.model().index(row, col, self.rootIndex()) region += self.visualRect(index) return region class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() fileMenu = QMenu("&File", self) openAction = fileMenu.addAction("&Open...") openAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+O") saveAction = fileMenu.addAction("&Save As...") saveAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") quitAction = fileMenu.addAction("E&xit") quitAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Q") self.setupModel() self.setupViews() openAction.triggered.connect(self.openFile) saveAction.triggered.connect(self.saveFile) quitAction.triggered.connect(QApplication.instance().quit) self.menuBar().addMenu(fileMenu) self.statusBar() self.openFile(':/Charts/qtdata.cht') self.setWindowTitle("Chart") self.resize(870, 550) def setupModel(self): self.model = QStandardItemModel(8, 2, self) self.model.setHeaderData(0, Qt.Horizontal, "Label") self.model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Horizontal, "Quantity") def setupViews(self): splitter = QSplitter() table = QTableView() self.pieChart = PieView() splitter.addWidget(table) splitter.addWidget(self.pieChart) splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 0) splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 1) table.setModel(self.model) self.pieChart.setModel(self.model) self.selectionModel = QItemSelectionModel(self.model) table.setSelectionModel(self.selectionModel) self.pieChart.setSelectionModel(self.selectionModel) table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.setCentralWidget(splitter) def openFile(self, path=None): if not path: path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Choose a data file", '', '*.cht') if path: f = QFile(path) if f.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text): stream = QTextStream(f) self.model.removeRows(0, self.model.rowCount(QModelIndex()), QModelIndex()) row = 0 line = stream.readLine() while line: self.model.insertRows(row, 1, QModelIndex()) pieces = line.split(',') self.model.setData(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()), pieces[0]) self.model.setData(self.model.index(row, 1, QModelIndex()), float(pieces[1])) self.model.setData(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()), QColor(pieces[2]), Qt.DecorationRole) row += 1 line = stream.readLine() f.close() self.statusBar().showMessage("Loaded %s" % path, 2000) def saveFile(self): fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save file as", '', '*.cht') if fileName: f = QFile(fileName) if f.open(QFile.WriteOnly | QFile.Text): for row in range(self.model.rowCount(QModelIndex())): pieces = [] pieces.append( self.model.data( self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()), Qt.DisplayRole)) pieces.append( '%g' % self.model.data( self.model.index(row, 1, QModelIndex()), Qt.DisplayRole)) pieces.append( self.model.data( self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()), Qt.DecorationRole).name()) f.write(b','.join([p.encode('utf-8') for p in pieces])) f.write(b'\n') f.close() self.statusBar().showMessage("Saved %s" % fileName, 2000) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())