#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited. ## Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## All rights reserved. ## ## This file is part of the examples of PyQt. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ## You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ## the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ## products derived from this software without specific prior written ## permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ## OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ## DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ## THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ## (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ## OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ## $QT_END_LICENSE$ ## ############################################################################# import random from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSignal, QAbstractListModel, QByteArray, QDataStream, QIODevice, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QPoint, QRect, QSize, Qt) from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QCursor, QDrag, QIcon, QPainter, QPixmap from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QFileDialog, QFrame, QHBoxLayout, QListView, QMainWindow, QMessageBox, QSizePolicy, QWidget) import puzzle_rc class PuzzleWidget(QWidget): puzzleCompleted = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PuzzleWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.piecePixmaps = [] self.pieceRects = [] self.pieceLocations = [] self.highlightedRect = QRect() self.inPlace = 0 self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setMinimumSize(400, 400) self.setMaximumSize(400, 400) def clear(self): self.pieceLocations = [] self.piecePixmaps = [] self.pieceRects = [] self.highlightedRect = QRect() self.inPlace = 0 self.update() def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat('image/x-puzzle-piece'): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): updateRect = self.highlightedRect self.highlightedRect = QRect() self.update(updateRect) event.accept() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): updateRect = self.highlightedRect.united(self.targetSquare(event.pos())) if event.mimeData().hasFormat('image/x-puzzle-piece') and self.findPiece(self.targetSquare(event.pos())) == -1: self.highlightedRect = self.targetSquare(event.pos()) event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) event.accept() else: self.highlightedRect = QRect() event.ignore() self.update(updateRect) def dropEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat('image/x-puzzle-piece') and self.findPiece(self.targetSquare(event.pos())) == -1: pieceData = event.mimeData().data('image/x-puzzle-piece') stream = QDataStream(pieceData, QIODevice.ReadOnly) square = self.targetSquare(event.pos()) pixmap = QPixmap() location = QPoint() stream >> pixmap >> location self.pieceLocations.append(location) self.piecePixmaps.append(pixmap) self.pieceRects.append(square) self.hightlightedRect = QRect() self.update(square) event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) event.accept() if location == QPoint(square.x() / 80, square.y() / 80): self.inPlace += 1 if self.inPlace == 25: self.puzzleCompleted.emit() else: self.highlightedRect = QRect() event.ignore() def findPiece(self, pieceRect): try: return self.pieceRects.index(pieceRect) except ValueError: return -1 def mousePressEvent(self, event): square = self.targetSquare(event.pos()) found = self.findPiece(square) if found == -1: return location = self.pieceLocations[found] pixmap = self.piecePixmaps[found] del self.pieceLocations[found] del self.piecePixmaps[found] del self.pieceRects[found] if location == QPoint(square.x() + 80, square.y() + 80): self.inPlace -= 1 self.update(square) itemData = QByteArray() dataStream = QDataStream(itemData, QIODevice.WriteOnly) dataStream << pixmap << location mimeData = QMimeData() mimeData.setData('image/x-puzzle-piece', itemData) drag = QDrag(self) drag.setMimeData(mimeData) drag.setHotSpot(event.pos() - square.topLeft()) drag.setPixmap(pixmap) if drag.exec_(Qt.MoveAction) != Qt.MoveAction: self.pieceLocations.insert(found, location) self.piecePixmaps.insert(found, pixmap) self.pieceRects.insert(found, square) self.update(self.targetSquare(event.pos())) if location == QPoint(square.x() / 80, square.y() / 80): self.inPlace += 1 def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), Qt.white) if self.highlightedRect.isValid(): painter.setBrush(QColor("#ffcccc")) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.drawRect(self.highlightedRect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)) for rect, pixmap in zip(self.pieceRects, self.piecePixmaps): painter.drawPixmap(rect, pixmap) painter.end() def targetSquare(self, position): return QRect(position.x() // 80 * 80, position.y() // 80 * 80, 80, 80) class PiecesModel(QAbstractListModel): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PiecesModel, self).__init__(parent) self.locations = [] self.pixmaps = [] def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return None if role == Qt.DecorationRole: return QIcon(self.pixmaps[index.row()].scaled( 60, 60, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) if role == Qt.UserRole: return self.pixmaps[index.row()] if role == Qt.UserRole + 1: return self.locations[index.row()] return None def addPiece(self, pixmap, location): if random.random() < 0.5: row = 0 else: row = len(self.pixmaps) self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) self.pixmaps.insert(row, pixmap) self.locations.insert(row, location) self.endInsertRows() def flags(self,index): if index.isValid(): return (Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) return Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled def removeRows(self,row, count, parent): if parent.isValid(): return False if row >= len(self.pixmaps) or row + count <= 0: return False beginRow = max(0, row) endRow = min(row + count - 1, len(self.pixmaps) - 1) self.beginRemoveRows(parent, beginRow, endRow) del self.pixmaps[beginRow:endRow + 1] del self.locations[beginRow:endRow + 1] self.endRemoveRows() return True def mimeTypes(self): return ['image/x-puzzle-piece'] def mimeData(self, indexes): mimeData = QMimeData() encodedData = QByteArray() stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.WriteOnly) for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): pixmap = QPixmap(self.data(index, Qt.UserRole)) location = self.data(index, Qt.UserRole + 1) stream << pixmap << location mimeData.setData('image/x-puzzle-piece', encodedData) return mimeData def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): if not data.hasFormat('image/x-puzzle-piece'): return False if action == Qt.IgnoreAction: return True if column > 0: return False if not parent.isValid(): if row < 0: endRow = len(self.pixmaps) else: endRow = min(row, len(self.pixmaps)) else: endRow = parent.row() encodedData = data.data('image/x-puzzle-piece') stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.ReadOnly) while not stream.atEnd(): pixmap = QPixmap() location = QPoint() stream >> pixmap >> location self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), endRow, endRow) self.pixmaps.insert(endRow, pixmap) self.locations.insert(endRow, location) self.endInsertRows() endRow += 1 return True def rowCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): return 0 else: return len(self.pixmaps) def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def addPieces(self, pixmap): self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 24) self.pixmaps = [] self.locations = [] self.endRemoveRows() for y in range(5): for x in range(5): pieceImage = pixmap.copy(x*80, y*80, 80, 80) self.addPiece(pieceImage, QPoint(x, y)) class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.puzzleImage = QPixmap() self.setupMenus() self.setupWidgets() self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.setWindowTitle("Puzzle") def openImage(self, path=None): if not path: path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open Image", '', "Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)") if path: newImage = QPixmap() if not newImage.load(path): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Open Image", "The image file could not be loaded.", QMessageBox.Cancel) return self.puzzleImage = newImage self.setupPuzzle() def setCompleted(self): QMessageBox.information(self, "Puzzle Completed", "Congratulations! You have completed the puzzle!\nClick OK " "to start again.", QMessageBox.Ok) self.setupPuzzle() def setupPuzzle(self): size = min(self.puzzleImage.width(), self.puzzleImage.height()) self.puzzleImage = self.puzzleImage.copy((self.puzzleImage.width()-size)/2, (self.puzzleImage.height() - size)/2, size, size).scaled(400, 400, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) random.seed(QCursor.pos().x() ^ QCursor.pos().y()) self.model.addPieces(self.puzzleImage) self.puzzleWidget.clear() def setupMenus(self): fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File") openAction = fileMenu.addAction("&Open...") openAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+O") exitAction = fileMenu.addAction("E&xit") exitAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Q") gameMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Game") restartAction = gameMenu.addAction("&Restart") openAction.triggered.connect(self.openImage) exitAction.triggered.connect(QApplication.instance().quit) restartAction.triggered.connect(self.setupPuzzle) def setupWidgets(self): frame = QFrame() frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(frame) self.piecesList = QListView() self.piecesList.setDragEnabled(True) self.piecesList.setViewMode(QListView.IconMode) self.piecesList.setIconSize(QSize(60,60)) self.piecesList.setGridSize(QSize(80,80)) self.piecesList.setSpacing(10) self.piecesList.setMovement(QListView.Snap) self.piecesList.setAcceptDrops(True) self.piecesList.setDropIndicatorShown(True) self.model = PiecesModel(self) self.piecesList.setModel(self.model) self.puzzleWidget = PuzzleWidget() self.puzzleWidget.puzzleCompleted.connect(self.setCompleted, Qt.QueuedConnection) frameLayout.addWidget(self.piecesList) frameLayout.addWidget(self.puzzleWidget) self.setCentralWidget(frame) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() window.openImage(':/images/example.jpg') window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())