#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited. ## Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## All rights reserved. ## ## This file is part of the examples of PyQt. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ## You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ## the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ## products derived from this software without specific prior written ## permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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i) / 3) + 2 column = ((i - 1) % 3) + 1 mainLayout.addWidget(self.digitButtons[i], row, column) mainLayout.addWidget(self.digitButtons[0], 5, 1) mainLayout.addWidget(self.pointButton, 5, 2) mainLayout.addWidget(self.changeSignButton, 5, 3) mainLayout.addWidget(self.divisionButton, 2, 4) mainLayout.addWidget(self.timesButton, 3, 4) mainLayout.addWidget(self.minusButton, 4, 4) mainLayout.addWidget(self.plusButton, 5, 4) mainLayout.addWidget(self.squareRootButton, 2, 5) mainLayout.addWidget(self.powerButton, 3, 5) mainLayout.addWidget(self.reciprocalButton, 4, 5) mainLayout.addWidget(self.equalButton, 5, 5) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.setWindowTitle("Calculator") def digitClicked(self): clickedButton = self.sender() digitValue = int(clickedButton.text()) if self.display.text() == '0' and digitValue == 0.0: return if self.waitingForOperand: self.display.clear() self.waitingForOperand = False self.display.setText(self.display.text() + str(digitValue)) def unaryOperatorClicked(self): clickedButton = self.sender() clickedOperator = clickedButton.text() operand = float(self.display.text()) if clickedOperator == "Sqrt": if operand < 0.0: self.abortOperation() return result = math.sqrt(operand) elif clickedOperator == u"x\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO}": result = math.pow(operand, 2.0) elif clickedOperator == "1/x": if operand == 0.0: self.abortOperation() return result = 1.0 / operand self.display.setText(str(result)) self.waitingForOperand = True def additiveOperatorClicked(self): clickedButton = self.sender() clickedOperator = clickedButton.text() operand = float(self.display.text()) if self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator: if not self.calculate(operand, self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator): self.abortOperation() return self.display.setText(str(self.factorSoFar)) operand = self.factorSoFar self.factorSoFar = 0.0 self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator = '' if self.pendingAdditiveOperator: if not self.calculate(operand, self.pendingAdditiveOperator): self.abortOperation() return self.display.setText(str(self.sumSoFar)) else: self.sumSoFar = operand self.pendingAdditiveOperator = clickedOperator self.waitingForOperand = True def multiplicativeOperatorClicked(self): clickedButton = self.sender() clickedOperator = clickedButton.text() operand = float(self.display.text()) if self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator: if not self.calculate(operand, self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator): self.abortOperation() return self.display.setText(str(self.factorSoFar)) else: self.factorSoFar = operand self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator = clickedOperator self.waitingForOperand = True def equalClicked(self): operand = float(self.display.text()) if self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator: if not self.calculate(operand, self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator): self.abortOperation() return operand = self.factorSoFar self.factorSoFar = 0.0 self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator = '' if self.pendingAdditiveOperator: if not self.calculate(operand, self.pendingAdditiveOperator): self.abortOperation() return self.pendingAdditiveOperator = '' else: self.sumSoFar = operand self.display.setText(str(self.sumSoFar)) self.sumSoFar = 0.0 self.waitingForOperand = True def pointClicked(self): if self.waitingForOperand: self.display.setText('0') if "." not in self.display.text(): self.display.setText(self.display.text() + ".") self.waitingForOperand = False def changeSignClicked(self): text = self.display.text() value = float(text) if value > 0.0: text = "-" + text elif value < 0.0: text = text[1:] self.display.setText(text) def backspaceClicked(self): if self.waitingForOperand: return text = self.display.text()[:-1] if not text: text = '0' self.waitingForOperand = True self.display.setText(text) def clear(self): if self.waitingForOperand: return self.display.setText('0') self.waitingForOperand = True def clearAll(self): self.sumSoFar = 0.0 self.factorSoFar = 0.0 self.pendingAdditiveOperator = '' self.pendingMultiplicativeOperator = '' self.display.setText('0') self.waitingForOperand = True def clearMemory(self): self.sumInMemory = 0.0 def readMemory(self): self.display.setText(str(self.sumInMemory)) self.waitingForOperand = True def setMemory(self): self.equalClicked() self.sumInMemory = float(self.display.text()) def addToMemory(self): self.equalClicked() self.sumInMemory += float(self.display.text()) def createButton(self, text, member): button = Button(text) button.clicked.connect(member) return button def abortOperation(self): self.clearAll() self.display.setText("####") def calculate(self, rightOperand, pendingOperator): if pendingOperator == "+": self.sumSoFar += rightOperand elif pendingOperator == "-": self.sumSoFar -= rightOperand elif pendingOperator == u"\N{MULTIPLICATION SIGN}": self.factorSoFar *= rightOperand elif pendingOperator == u"\N{DIVISION SIGN}": if rightOperand == 0.0: return False self.factorSoFar /= rightOperand return True if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) calc = Calculator() calc.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())